Experimental Analysis of Programming Languages

John Samuel
13 min readSep 20, 2023


Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

Programming languages serve as the cornerstone of modern computing, facilitating communication between humans and machines. This article offers a comprehensive overview of programming languages, unveiling their multifaceted characteristics and their pivotal role in empowering software development. From the flexibility of dynamic memory allocation to the humble ‘Hello, World!’ program, from the support for objects and classes to the vast libraries at developers’ disposal, programming languages embody a diverse toolkit for solving complex problems.

In the dynamic landscape of software development, communities continually shape these languages, fostering innovation through the creation of new compilers and the evolution of existing languages. This article dives deep into the unique attributes and capabilities of programming languages, illuminating their evolutionary journey and the driving forces behind their adaptability.

As technology advances, a profound understanding of programming languages equips us to navigate the evolving digital landscape with confidence and creativity. This article explores some reflections on the experimental analysis of programming languages.


A multitude of programming languages [1], numbering in the thousands, exists today. Yet, in educational institutions, students typically encounter only a limited selection of programming languages. The curriculum often introduces languages like Python, PHP, Java, C, or C++, essential for understanding the foundations of programming. Alongside these, web development languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are emphasized, reflecting the demands of the digital age. Yet, many other programming languages remain in the shadows, waiting to be explored. Some, like COBOL, Pascal, or Fortran, carry the weight of history, while newcomers like Swift, Rust represent the latest advancements. Remarkably, these languages may not always find a place in contemporary coursework, potentially leaving aspiring developers unaware of their existence.

This situation raises a pertinent question: Is it imperative for one to master every programming language in existence? Alternatively, should we prioritize comprehending the universal principles that underpin all languages before delving into the intricacies of each new (or old) language we encounter? In essence, what does it truly mean to learn a programming language? Is it merely a matter of translating human needs into lines of code, or should we first grasp the fundamental concepts that govern computational thinking?

Taking an alternate perspective, one can consider programming language learning as an exploration of how each language tackles fundamental tasks like iterative loops, mathematical and logical operations, functions, and classes. It’s important to note that this learning process can be highly individualized, as learners arrive with diverse backgrounds, encompassing varying levels of proficiency in logic, mathematics, and programming.

Nevettheless, the decision on which programming languages to teach and learn isn’t arbitrary. It’s often influenced by factors such as industry demand, community support, and the language’s ecosystem. Newer languages may gain popularity swiftly [3, 4, 5, 6, 7] due to their alignment with modern software development practices, while older languages endure in niche areas like scientific computing or legacy system maintenance. Hence, understanding the evolving landscape of programming languages is not merely an academic pursuit but a pragmatic necessity.

In this context, the role of educators and institutions becomes crucial. They must strike a balance between imparting foundational knowledge applicable across languages and equipping students with the practical skills needed in the ever-changing tech industry. This balance ensures that learners not only master specific languages but also develop a deep understanding of the principles that will serve them well throughout their careers.

Understanding a Programming Language

Realistically, it’s impossible to learn every programming language. To address this challenge, the programming language research community has developed programming language paradigms [2] to understand the various ways we can interact with computers. These paradigms offer insights into what we can expect from a particular programming language. For instance, when a programming language is described as object-oriented, we anticipate the presence of classes, resembling hierarchical structures seen in real life, such as the classification of animals or plants. Functional programming languages, on the other hand, emphasize communication with computers through functions. However, today’s programming languages often blur the lines between paradigms, attracting developers by supporting multiple paradigms. These are referred to as multi-paradigm programming languages. Examples include languages like C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Scala, Swift, Python, Rust, and more.

Another valuable indicator of a programming language’s evolution is the year of its initial release, offering valuable insights into its associated paradigms. In the early days, programming languages were primarily rooted in procedural and imperative paradigms. However, as time progressed, there was a significant shift towards the emergence of object-oriented languages. Presently, the emphasis lies in accommodating multiple paradigms, making it easier for learners to adopt these languages and reducing the associated learning curve.

The distinction between compilation and interpretation is pivotal in understanding programming languages. Some languages follow a compilation approach, which involves a thorough check of the entire program by a compiler. This process identifies errors and alerts the programmer, enabling them to rectify any issues. Once the necessary corrections are made, a clean and error-free program is generated, poised for compilation into an executable file. This compilation step is a critical part of the journey from writing code to producing a fully functional program.

Identifying a programming language solely by examining the contents of a file can be a challenging task. However, file exensions often serve as clear indicators of the programming language used. For instance, a .py extension typically signifies a Python program, while .c or .cpp extensions commonly indicate C or C++ programs, respectively. Another noteworthy aspect is the presence of header files, a characteristic found in some early programming languages like C. In such languages, files with extensions .h declare functions and variables, while the actual implementations reside in .c or .cpp files.

Furthermore, certain programming languages introduce distinct file extensions to distinguish intermediary files generated during compilation from the final executable files and original source code. For instance, languages like Java make use of the .class extension for intermediary programs. These integrated class files encompass the entire code and facilitate compilation and error checking. When interpretation is needed, they employ the Java class instead of the original Java source code. Intermediary files play a crucial role in comprehending executables and optimizing programs when necessary. This also highlights the diverse approaches to program creation and execution, emphasizing the importance of understanding the evolution of programming languages.

Programming languages often exhibit striking similarities, prompting questions about whether this similarity is intentional, aimed at reducing the learning curve, or if it mirrors the natural evolution of human languages. Regardless of the reason, certain commonalities pervade all programming languages. For instance, they share fundamental constructs such as loops for iteration and functions for code organization. Generic patterns emerge, encompassing various types of operators, including mathematical, logical, and bit manipulation operators. Some languages also facilitate the recursive calling of functions, a technique known as recursion, although not all languages (for example, BASIC) support it.

Keywords hold a significant role in this common ground. An analysis of various programming languages, starting from C and progressing onward, reveals striking similarities. Frequently used keywords like if, break, continue, for, and int are pervasive in procedural languages. Furthermore, keywords like class typically appear in languages like Ruby, C++, Python, Scala, Java, and more. It's worth noting that many of these keywords are rooted in the English language [8], underlining the close relationship between programming and human languages. Efforts have been made to develop programming languages that cater to non-English [9,10] speakers, with the aim of making programming more accessible to a global audience.

Data Types are the foundation of programming, determining the type of data that variables can store. Most programming languages include basic data types like integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and arrays. These fundamental data types serve as building blocks for more complex data structures. For instance, arrays can hold multiple elements of basic data types, allowing for the creation of structured data.

Complex Data Types play a crucial role in programming languages. Many languages provide these complex data structures in their standard libraries, simplifying the implementation of advanced data structures and algorithms. For example, Java offers the HashMap, while Python provides the dict (dictionary). These complex data types streamline working with data in various applications.

Modularization and Code Structuring are essential for project organization. Programming languages use different approaches to structure code. Some rely on blocks enclosed in curly braces (as in C, C++, JavaScript, Rust, Go, PHP) or indentation (as in Python, Haskell, CoffeeScript) to segment code into manageable sections. Some languages, like Java, enforce the convention of one class per file, while others, such as Python, permit multiple classes in a single file. This choice impacts how developers organize and manage their codebases. Languages feature constructs like functions, procedures, or modules to facilitate code reuse, maintainability, and readability.

Data Analysis

In recent decades, there has been a noticeable shift in the programming landscape from string manipulation languages to those dedicated to handling complex data processing tasks. Modern programming languages have evolved to meet the demands of an increasingly data-centric world. They offer various ways to search and manipulate information, reflecting the need for efficient data handling.

One notable trend is the inclusion of default support for pattern matching and regular expressions in many newer languages and their libraries. This feature simplifies tasks like text parsing and data extraction, making these languages more versatile for data-related operations. For example, SQL, a language predominantly used in database management, excels in providing built-in mechanisms for searching and filtering data. Meanwhile, languages like JavaScript, Python enhance their data manipulation capabilities with functions like map, filter, and reduce, offering flexibility for developers to tailor their data processing logic.

Beyond searching and filtering, programming languages offer powerful tools for aggregating data effectively. SQL’s proficiency in data aggregation is well-established, making it a popular choice for handling large datasets. However, many modern programming languages have followed suit by incorporating built-in functions and libraries to streamline information aggregation. Some languages like R even take it a step further by integrating statistical calculations, making them valuable assets in industries that rely on data analysis and modeling.

Testing and Performance

Debugging and memory profiling are integral components of the programming process, playing pivotal roles in ensuring the reliability and performance of software. When it comes to programming, understanding the inner workings of code translation into executables or interpretation is paramount. This understanding allows developers to identify and rectify errors efficiently, ultimately leading to the creation of more robust and efficient programs.

In the context of modern programming languages, debugging and memory profiling hold even greater significance. Many contemporary languages are known for their increased CPU cycle and memory consumption. Consequently, efficient debugging becomes an essential skill for programmers working with these languages. Debugging tools and techniques help pinpoint and resolve issues related to logic, data handling, and resource management, ensuring that the final executable meets performance expectations.

Moreover, the importance of memory profiling cannot be overstated. In a world where memory-efficient software is highly sought after, understanding how programs utilize memory during execution is crucial. Memory profiling tools provide developers with insights into memory allocation, usage patterns, and potential memory leaks. This information empowers them to optimize their code, minimize resource wastage, and enhance the overall performance of their applications. When coupled with code coverage analysis, unit testing, and functional testing, memory profiling tools form a comprehensive suite for assessing the thoroughness of test coverage, ensuring that all code pathways are rigorously tested. In essence, the choice of a programming language may well hinge on the availability of these invaluable tools, as they are indispensable for maintaining high-quality software in today’s development landscape.


Abstraction is a foundational concept in programming, enabling the encapsulation of complex information into simplified representations within a given context. In essence, it allows developers to work with higher-level concepts without getting bogged down by intricate details. This simplification of information fosters clarity and efficiency in code development.

One notable application of abstraction in programming languages is the ability to abstract the distributed nature of underlying machines. Certain programming languages, like Erlang, Java, Scala, Hive, excel in this regard. They provide developers with the means to write code as if all data is local, even when, in reality, it is distributed across multiple machines. This abstraction is particularly valuable in distributed computing scenarios, where managing data across multiple nodes can be a complex and error-prone task.

It’s essential to recognize the stark contrast between programming languages designed for distributed architectures and those suited for centralized ones. Languages tailored for centralized systems typically assume that all data is stored in a single location, simplifying data management and reducing the complexity of handling failures. In contrast, languages built for distributed systems must contend with the challenges of network communication, data replication, fault tolerance, and debugging across multiple machines. As a result, the choice of programming language can significantly impact the ease with which developers navigate the intricacies of distributed computing environments. Ultimately, the ability to abstract such complexities is a testament to the adaptability and power of programming languages in addressing the evolving needs of modern software development.

Abstractions in programming languages also hide the intricacies of parallelism and concurrency, making it easier for developers to create efficient and scalable software. They promote cleaner code, reduce the likelihood of bugs related to parallel execution, and enhance productivity by allowing developers to focus on high-level logic.

Parallelism, in the context of programming, refers to the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks or threads to achieve faster and more efficient computation. Concurrency, on the other hand, deals with the concurrent execution of multiple tasks, which may not necessarily execute simultaneously but can be managed efficiently by the programming language.

Traditionally, writing parallel programs required careful consideration of issues like data synchronization, resource sharing, and thread management, which could lead to challenging debugging and optimization processes. In contrast, languages like Erlang, Go, Haskell provide abstractions and tools that simplify parallel and concurrent programming. They often offer constructs like threads, processes, or parallel execution frameworks that allow developers to express parallelism and concurrency more intuitively. This abstraction shields programmers from low-level concerns and enables them to focus on the logic of their applications, resulting in more efficient and scalable software.


Programming languages are versatile tools that can extend their capabilities through various means. One such avenue for extension is through the integration of existing software libraries within the operating system. Developers frequently write code to seamlessly connect their programs with pre-existing tools and services on the host machine. This practice not only enhances the functionality of their applications but also streamlines development by capitalizing on established resources.

Additionally, some modern programming languages go a step further by supporting the execution of code written in different programming languages . This flexibility enables early adopters of a new language to harness the potential of pre-existing codebases, fostering interoperability and facilitating the transition to new programming paradigms.

Another notable feature offered by some programming languages is the ability to dynamically allocate memory, as opposed to requiring memory specification during compilation. This dynamic memory allocation offers valuable flexibility, especially when the program’s size or memory requirements remain uncertain. Unlike the less practical approach of modifying memory size during code development and subsequent recompilation, dynamic memory allocation enables programs to adapt seamlessly to the memory constraints of the underlying machine. This adaptability is particularly advantageous when developing software for clients, as it ensures efficient resource utilization without the need for frequent code modifications.

However, the domain of multilingual support in programming languages presents an opportunity for enhancement. The majority of programming languages are predominantly designed and documented in English [8], which caters primarily to English-speaking programmers. To promote inclusivity and accessibility on a global scale, there is room for improvement in expanding support for multiple languages, including accommodating keywords in various languages [9, 10, 12]. This evolution would bridge language barriers and make programming more accessible to a diverse international audience.


Understanding a programming language begins with a simple task: examining how a ‘Hello, World!’ program [11] is written in that language. For example, in Python, it’s concise: ‘print(‘Hello, World!’)’, while in C or Java, it’s more detailed. This initial exploration reveals syntax and complexity differences across languages.

Official documentation accessibility is another facet. Some languages lack official pages, like C. Still, community-driven efforts standardize them, as seen in C99 or C11. Knowing where to find documentation matters. Community plays a vital role, extending standard libraries for easier, efficient programming. They establish best practices and style guides, enhancing code maintainability. Community-driven growth is facilitated by languages through library creation.

New compilers for specific languages experiment with optimizations, enhancing performance. Language evolution introduces keywords and extends libraries. For instance, despite its 1972 debut, C saw updates in 1989, 1999, 2011, and 2018 showing continuous community efforts. Assessing support for various data structures beyond basics provides valuable insights. Regarding backward compatibility, it varies. Some updates aim to maintain it, while others introduce breaking changes for new features or security. The extent depends on community philosophy and goals for each update.


In conclusion, exploring the diverse world of programming languages reveals a rich tapestry of features, syntax, and capabilities. From memory management to the simplicity of ‘Hello, World!’ programs, from support for objects and classes to the extent of available libraries, programming languages offer unique approaches to problem-solving.

The dynamism of language communities and their dedication to expanding standard libraries exemplify the collaborative nature of software development. As new compilers emerge and languages evolve, the boundaries of what can be achieved in the programming realm continue to expand.

Ultimately, the choice of a programming language depends on the specific needs of a project, the problem to be solved, and the preferences of developers. Understanding these languages not only broadens our programming horizons but also equips us to make informed decisions in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your programming journey, the world of programming languages remains a fascinating and ever-evolving domain to explore.


  1. Programming Language
  2. Programming Paradigm
  3. TIOBE Index
  4. TIOBE Programming Community Index Definition
  5. Viability of unpopular programming languages
  6. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019: Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages
  7. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019: Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages
  8. Coding Is for Everyone-as Long as You Speak English
  9. Rethinking the command-line
  10. Non-English-based programming languages
  11. The Hello World Collection
  12. Multilingual Programming Experience

Originally published at https://johnsamuel.info.

