In your arms

John Samuel
1 min read3 days ago


Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

I may travel to any place on the earth
To see its wonders.
They may amuse me for a while
And may call me back again and again.
But in the end,
I just want to be back in your arms
And to hold you tight.

I travelled close to the sea.
I saw beautiful beaches
With blue blankets spread till the horizon.
I saw both green and dry fields,
With small trees and long grasses.
But in the end,
I just want to be back in your arms
And to hug you tight.

I travelled to historical places.
I saw magnificent buildings
With highly adorned doors and windows.
I saw both palaces and ruins,
With walls recounting numerous stories.
But in the end,
I just want to be back in your arms
And to feel you tight.

I travelled to hamlets and cities.
I saw human evolution
With their ever-changing needs and solutions.
I saw both destruction and creativity,
With numerous explanations to both.
But in the end,
I just want to be back in your arms
And to embrace you tight.

Originally published at

